Blog Archives
A Very Encouraging Day
We visited A Di Zhua, Pu Qie Sha, and Ki Li Jia who relapsed two years ago and has been locked in a corn crib since.
If you’ve followed our story on KiLiJia, he had been refusing medication and all our attempts to persuade him otherwise. But 12 days ago, he voluntarily asked if he could put on some clothes and take his medication. He was even open to taking a depot shot.
I am a little ashamed that we had sort of given up trying to persuade him to take his meds. But very thankful that our Father did not forget him nor give up on him. Two days ago I talked to him, and he was engaging and polite. He asked if he was not to be let out, could he be given some reading material and if we could come see him again soon.
Now playing at a theater near you
Testing out the website video capabilities.
Can you view this old clip from Winter 2011?
F L A V O (U) R F U L
I’d like to keep putting up the illustrations of this book and to continue with my (artistically licensed) translation of this story, but I fear it would border on copyright infringements. Just to bring this story to a conclusion, Ramona begins to draw again, with great gusto and freedom. So I’d just like to end by wishing all of you an inspired and flavourful summer (what’s left of it). And to encourage all of us to keep using the gifts He gave us with great flourish and passion. To His glory.